目前分類:sintered metal (3)

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Different types powder metalof railing are present in the market, depending on the choice of the people; all have their specific place in the market。 Here we are discussing about the railing of aluminum and its advantages。The most important benefit of the aluminum railing is the non corrosive behavior。 It is coated with powder that enhances the finish of the steel railing and gives long lasting effect。 It does not demand any paint coat for its maintained or new look。 In case of steel we see that it is heavier while aluminum is a lighter metal as compared to the steel。 So the handling of aluminum railing is easier to the other railings。 It is a cheaper railing if we compare it with other metal railing。If you find some problem in the size of your aluminum railing then you maypowder metal cut it easily by the miter saw。 So to adjust it is too much easier as compared to the railing of other metals like steel。

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Have you ever thpowder metalought about that how a heavy aircraft can flysintered metal high in the air without falling to the ground? Which metal they are made from that enables them to fly taking people place to place? You may hear somebody to have a hip transplantation which is made up of metal。 Does not it seem to you strange? We know heavy metals are always rejected by our body。 Thenpowder metal what metal they are made from? If you consider titanium, you are right。 This magic metal is titanium and its performance improves to a great extent when alloyed with some other metals。 Titanium metal powder is employed as a key metal for this purpose。

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  It is reportedpowder metal that the theme of the Conference is---Asia: opportunities and development of lurgy around PM new theories, new materials, new technologies, new processes, new products, present situation and application prospect of extensive and in-depth exchanges and discussions to explore challenges and opportunities facing the field of powder metallurgy。 Meanwhile, also hosting the 2013 national academic conference on cross-strait Symposium on powder metallurgy technology of powder metallurgy powder metallurgy powder metallurgy products and technology exhibitionsintered metal, industrial technology innovation Strategic Alliance at its three meetings of the Council and the APMA Council。 From the United States, China and China´s Taiwan, Europe powder metallurgy industry of institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutes, enterprises, experts, professors, scholars, and entrepreneurs a total of more than 500 people attended the me

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